High density lipoprotein Metabolome research to improve pregnancy outcome, Hi-MOM project,
			Hi-MOM projekat
date event
07.04.2024. The XVI Student Mini-Congress was held at the Faculty of Pharmacy, where as many as six student research papers based on the results of the HI-MOM project were presented. The obtained results were presented by Jelena Radojković, Jovana Vulić, Bojana Popović, Katarina Čolić, Anja Božović, Matea Ivović, Marko Ivanković, Anja Pemac, Danica Nikić, Ana Čičić, Anja Jakovljević, Anđelija Jocić, and Tara Vorkapić. The prize for the best paper in this session was awarded to Tara Vorkapić for the study entitled "Longitudinal changes in cholesterol synthesis and absorption markers during pregnancy: association with the development of preeclampsia", under the mentorship of Ass. Prof. Tamara Gojković, Ph.D. and Research Associate Sandra Vladimirov Sopić, Ph.D.
04.04.2024. The IFCC webinar "New approaches in clinical and laboratory evaluation of pregnant women" was held, where our researchers spoke about the HI-MOM project, but also about the broader aspects of preserving metabolic health during pregnancy. At the very successful webinar, for which over 3400 participants from all over the world were registered, the moderator was Ass. prof. Snežana Jovičić, Ph.D., and the lecturers were Prof. dr. Aleksandra Zeljković, Ph.D., Dr Marko Stanković, MD, and Ass. Marija Sarić Matutinović, Ph.D.
The entire webinar is available at the link
15.03.2024. Members of the Hi-MOM research team Dr. Tamara Gojković, Dr. Milica Miljković-Trailović, and Dr. Aleksandra Zeljković participated in the Symposium of the Association of Pharmacists in Belgrade entitled "Integrative approaches to female reproductive health - from adolescence to old age". Assistant Professor Tamara Gojković, Ph.D., the president of the Scientific Committee, chaired the sessions, and Professor Aleksandra Zeljković, Ph.D. presented our project and some of the obtained results in a presentation dedicated to gestational diabetes.
21.09.2023. At the XII Conference of the Biochemical Society of Serbia, which takes place from September 21st to 23rd 2023. in Belgrade, the Hi-MOM project was presented by Ass. Prof. Jasmina Ivanišević with a lecture dedicated to HDL proteome changes during pregnancy with hypertensive complications.
06.09.2023. New results obtained within the Hi-MOM project were published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. The full paper can be found at the link https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/14/11357
03.07.2023. In a review paper published in the prestigious scientific journal Current Obesity Reports (IF 2022 8.8), team members dealt with the impact of obesity and dyslipidemia on women's reproductive health, with a special emphasis on pregnancy.
21.05.2023. From May 15 to 19, 2023, members of the Hi-MOM team held an educational course for master's, doctoral and final year undergraduate students in the field of biochemistry from the Universities of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Niš. Course participants had the opportunity to learn about modern methods for characterizing the structure and functionality of HDL, the goals and results of the Hi-MOM project. The lecture on the importance of examining the structure and function of HDL for the preservation of cardiometabolic health was given by prof. Jelena Vekić at IBISS. The course "Biochemistry in the Service of Health" was organized by the Biochemical Society of Serbia, and the students of the Team of Medical Biochemists of the Faculty of Pharmacy provided support in its realization.
16.05.2023. Two new papers by Hi-MOM team members are published. In the review article, the possibilities of genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics and epigenetic analysis in the improvement of personalized prevention of cardiometabolic diseases are presented. An expert paper dedicated to characteristics of biochemical and hematological findings at the beginning of pregnancy was also published.
10.04.2023. At this year's Mini-congress of students of the Faculty of Pharmacy participants were also students with research work done within the Hi-MOM project. Students Kristijan Milenković, Aleksandra Nikolić, Katarina Popović, Jovana Vulić, Jelena Radojković, Nevena Gojković and Katarina Čolić presented thier results. The award for the best thesis was won by Nevena Gojković for her work entitled „Longitudinal Changes of the Sphingolipid Profile in Women with Preeclampsia“ (mentors: Prof. Aleksandra Zeljković, Ass. Tamara Antonić).
22.11.2022. For the latest issue of the student journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy – SupHa, Ass. Prof. Jasmina Ivanišević has prepared a scientific text that brought readears closer to extracellular vesicles. The research of their relationship with the HDL lipoprotein particle and of their role in high-risk pregnancy are some of the topics that Hi-MOM project deals with.
03.11.2022. Upon the invitation of the Team of Medical Biochemists of BPSA organization, and as part of the educational part of the Twinnet exchange program, teaching assistant Tamara Antonić presented the Hi-MOM project. Medical biochemistry students from Belgrade and Zagreb attended the lecture.
26.10.2022. Today at the Book Fair within the Center for the Promotion of Science, Ass. Prof. Tamara Gojković presented the mission and vision of the Hi-MOM project. Atendees were able to get acquainted with the previous results and goals of the project in detail.
15.10.2022. Prof. dr Aleksandra Stefanović, HI-MOM Principal investigator presented the main goals and expected outcomes of the HI-MOM project at the 8th Congress of Pharmacists of Serbia - with international participation that was held on 12-15 October 2022. in Belgrade. Also, prof. dr Aleksandra Zeljković presented the preliminary project results at the Congress oxidative stress section.
11.10.2022. The first HI-MOM project results were published in the journal Metabolites (IF 5.581). Project Hi-MOM is financed by the Science Fund of the RS. The full paper can be found at this link: https://www.mdpi.com/2218-1989/12/10/959
24.09.2022. Primarius Daniela Ardalić, external expert consultant and teaching assistant Tamara Antonić presented HI-MOM project at the XXII Serbian Congress of Medical Biochemistry and Clinical Laboratory that was held on 12-14 September 2022. in Belgrade. Preliminary Project results were discussed through two different Congress Sessions (Improving children's health through laboratory medicine and Clinical Laboratory in female reproductive health management) moderated by Prof. Aleksandra Stefanović and Prof. Jelena Vekić.
25.07.2022. Asst. Dr. Jasmina Ivanišević held a lecture entitled "High density lipoprotein and extracellular vesicles: common role in high-risk pregnancy" and presented the Project at the 7th International Summer School, the topic of which was "Liquid biopsy" (7th International Summer School "Liquid biopsy") under the auspices of the CEEPUS (Central European Exchange for University Studies) program, which took place from July 20 to 25, 2022 in Portorož, Slovenia.
01.01.2022. Project start