High density lipoprotein Metabolome research to improve pregnancy outcome, Hi-MOM project,
			Hi-MOM projekat
Aleksandra Stefanović, PhD

Aleksandra Stefanović, PhD

Principal Investigator

Aleksandra Stefanović is associate professor at the Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. She defended her doctoral thesis in 2011. She participated in the realization of two national and several international scientific projects, authored more than 80 scientific papers in relevant international and national journals (h-index: 21). The scientific research interest of prof. Stefanović is mainly focused on the role of oxidative stress in different physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Her special interest is devoted to research of metabolic processes that accompany uncomplicated and high-risk pregnancies. Aleksandra Stefanović is a reviewer in numerous international and one national scientific journal. She is a board member of Serbian Biochemical Society, member of Serbian Society for Mitochondrial and Free-Radical Physiology and member of the Society of Medical Biochemists of Serbia.