High density lipoprotein Metabolome research to improve pregnancy outcome, Hi-MOM project,
			Hi-MOM projekat

Partners institutions

Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Belgrade (FFUB) founded in 1939, educates professionals competent for work in all areas of pharmacy, as well as in clinical laboratories. The Faculty has extensive experience in education at the level of integrated academic (2 modules), specialized (18 modules) and doctoral academic studies (12 modules), but also in research and national and international collaborations. It is widely recognized that the Faculty of Pharmacy performs multidisciplinary biomedical research, including fundamental, applied and developmental studies. On the Shanghai list, in the field of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, the University of Belgrade was among the 200 best universities in 2018. Professional activities also include cooperation with colleagues from the practice in the field of quality improvement and a number of services provided to various companies, according to business and technical cooperation agreements.

Faculty of Medicine –University of Belgrade (MFBU) is one of the oldest faculties of the University of Belgrade. It is founded in 1920 and with approximately five hundred fifty undergraduate students obtaining MD degree, 30 students obtaining M.Sc. degree and around 170 of them obtaining PhD degree per year, MFUB is the leading institution for medical education in Serbia. Research is based on collaboration between basic and clinical researchers. This integrative approach enables transfer of knowledge obtained in basic disciplines to clinical practice, including new diagnostics and therapeutic procedures. Many laboratories at the MFUB are specialized in experimental research in various scientific disciplines. They collaborate with affiliated teaching hospitals and clinics, where clinical research is carried out. Besides national, MFUB participates in many international research and educational projects.

Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic "Narodni Front" is founded in 1955, and it is one of the largest maternity wards in Serbia, with an average of 6500 deliveries by year. It is a highly specialized institution of the tertiary level, providing healthcare for women and new-born babies. At the Clinic, specialists in gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, transfusion, medical biochemistry and internal medicine perform preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic healthcare services. Also, the Clinic is the teaching base of the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade. The highest quality of provided services, which is achieved through resource development, application of the latest medical technologies and scientific progress in clinical work, promoted the Clinic "Narodni Front" to a leading institution in gynecology and obstetrics healthcare, not only in Serbia, but also in Balkan region.